No Ingredient Left Behind

Art Direction + Experiential Design

To tackle the staggering $473 billion worth of food wasted annually in America, Kroger charged Unilever with revitalizing its internal initiative in combatting food waste. We needed to give Kroger shoppers the tools to make mitigating food waste easy and approachable. So we gave them a simple yet impactful rallying call: No Ingredient Left Behind. By highlighting the most commonly wasted items, we provided recipes, storage tips, and engaging digital content to help shoppers maximize their purchases. Local influencers helped spread the message, fostering a community around sustainability.

The program’s success was evident: each brand surpassed its target sales lift, and Knorr experienced unprecedented growth at Kroger, proving that reducing food waste can drive both positive environmental and business outcomes.

+ OmniShopper Award: Integrated Path to Purchase Activation

Food Facts

Experiential Lobby Event

To get Kroger employees excited about No Ingredient Left Behind, we hosted a successful lobby event at Kroger headquarters called Zero Waste Cafe. Hundreds of employees attended, sampling recipes made from commonly wasted ingredients, learning impactful food waste facts, and receiving sustainable swag to spread awareness. The event concluded with a pledge to reduce food waste and education on how to do so. The event generated significant buy-in for the program.